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Commuting to work: Driving vs. rideshares

By September 14, 2021May 26th, 2023No Comments

Update May 26, 2023
We would like to inform you of a recent decision made by Lyft and Uber, which is beyond our control. In April 2023, Lyft announced the discontinuation of their shared rides program called Lyft Shared. Additionally, Uber’s shared rides program, UberX Shared, currently does not support tax-free commuter benefits.

Rideshares offer an alternative to car commuting

Has your employer called you back to the office, but you’re not sure how you will get there? If you are thinking about driving to work rather than using public transit, that’s understandable. However, there could be an alternative form of transportation that’s also eligible for commuter benefits. Rideshares offer several benefits for commuters and can be a better way to get to work than driving.

Take Uber or Lyft to work

If you’re wondering if you could take Uber or Lyft to work, you are in luck. Ridesharing lets you schedule a ride at a specific time in a car that includes other riders most likely heading in the same direction.

We partner with Uber and Lyft, so riders have a convenient way to commute, just like taking a regular ride-hailing car. While rideshares are just as convenient, they can take longer because you share the ride.

To pay for them, your company can offer a prepaid card that allows you to pay for the rides. All you need to do is select Commuter Benefits as your payment option.

Pros and cons of driving

Driving offers advantages, but the list of disadvantages often leads people to seek a different way to commute.

For drivers, having personal space and time to think in the morning is nice. You don’t have the additional worry of scheduling a rideshare or making it to a transit stop by a specific time.

Driving to work has many disadvantages. It means you’re contributing to the pollution in our environment. Once you get to your job, it can be hard to find parking unless you have a designated spot. Plus, the wear and tear on your vehicle will add up so that driving will cost you more than commuting. With so many people commuting on choked streets, it can be overly stressful to drive in heavy traffic.

Get commuter benefits for rideshares

Rideshares are eligible for commuter benefits. Companies offering commuter benefits allow their workers to save up to $270 per month tax-free for transit, rideshares, and qualified parking.

If you’d like more information, book a meeting with us so we can help you find the best commuting option for you.